
The Kansas City Northland Amateur Radio Emergency Service is a volunteer agency consisting of trained storm spotters and communicators. We assist both Clay and Platte County Offices of Emergency Management, as well as municipalities throughout the two county area. In times of need, our members provide accurate, timely information which frees responding agencies to perform their immediate tasks, and shortens the time required to pass vital information.

We encourage those interested in storm spotting, emergency communications, or amateur radio in general to become members. There is no charge for membership, only a willingness to participate is requested. We do ask that members keep their storm spotting skills current by attending a NWS Storm Spotter training session once every two years. Sessions are typically held each late Winter and Spring, and are announced on this site.


Northland ARES Nets

This website is intended to serve as an informational and educational tool for members of the group as well as the general public. Any suggestions for changes, submissions of content either photos or text can be made by writing to website@kcnorthares.org.

Copyright © 2025 Kansas City Northland Amateur Radio Emergency Service

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