SET 2017

SET 2017

Simulated Emergency Test

Saturday,  October 7th 8AM to 1PM

The national ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is scheduled for October 7th from 8am till 1pm.  Monitor W0KCN @ 146.79 the morning of the event for further direction. 

The scenario this year is based on the Kansas and Oklahoma wildland fires that occurred in March 2017.  

MECC SET 2017 Exercise Plan 100317 FINAL fixed.pdf
The Feedback form for completion after the SET is here: 

QR code for SET 2017 



TT Status Codes:  APRStt Options.pdf


METRO COMM PLAN:Metro Wide Comm Plan May 2017-1.csv   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

APRStt Codes: Northland ARES tt Codes Oct 2017.pdf


This scenario is based on the Kansas and Oklahoma wildland fires that occurred in March 2017. 

A large fire that started in northwestern Johnson County Ks is burning out of control and is threatening Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties.  The dry weather conditions and high winds have made controlling the fire very difficult. It has been three days since the fires began and the original fire is only 10% contained.  As the fire progresses toward more populated areas, evacuations have begun and shelters have been set up around the metro to assist those being evacuated.  Amateur radio groups are being asked to support EOC operations.


Here in the North land there are plans to have two active EOC's that will provide voice communications to coordinate the event and one location to support digital communications.
September 28th 7:00 to 9:00 PM has been set aside for the Player briefing.


The SET gives volunteer public service communicators the opportunity to focus on their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses while interacting with NTS nets. It also provides a public demonstration — to served agencies such as the Red Cross, state and local emergency managers, and the news media — of the value that Amateur Radio provides. The SET helps radio amateurs gain communication experience using standard procedures and a variety of modes, under simulated disaster-response conditions.

Many ARES groups across the country will be participating, and all ARES members are invited to support the national SET and their local ARES group’s activity.

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