The ARRL Letter August 20, 2015


  • ARISS International Delegates Meet in Tokyo
  • Ad Hoc Subcommittee on VHF and Above Revitalization Seeks August UHF Contest Suggestions
  • Home of Well-Known Contester K0RF Badly Damaged by Fire
  • Talk of Pending P5 Operations So Far Remains Just Talks
  • ARRL Summer Section Manager Election Results Announced
  • Employment Opportunity -- Chief Executive Officer
  • ARES Supports 60,000 Runners for Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta
  • Undergrad Radio Amateur Uses Reverse Beacon Network in Research Project
  • International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Registration Topped 500 this Year
  • World Digital ATV QSO Party to Mark 5th Year
  • In Brief...
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