NLE Support

National Level Mass Care Exercise Registration

JCARES is participating in the NLE Mass Care exercise on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. It represents all aspects receiving, sheltering, and feeding evacuees from the eastern side of the state following a 7.7 earthquake in the NMSZ (New Madrid Seismic Zone). In a real world situation the KC area could receive as many as 250,000 evacuees.

Eastern Jackson County and the City of Independence will operate an Evacuee Reception Center, 3 shelters, 2 Point of Distribution (PODs) and a feeding kitchen.

The hours of operation will be from 8 am to 5 pm.

Amateur radio will play a major role in the communications between the locations of the exercise. It is important that we can provide adequate staffing at the locations. VHF, UHF and APRS will play a part in addition to possibly some digital.

Please click on the following link to register for this exercise:

If you are unable to use the on-line registration please download the form from this link and email to <> NLE Registration Form

Thank you

Mike Bellinger, K0UAA JCARES EC

Please add a comment

Posted by Rebecca Harris on
Hi There,

Just a heads-up that I believe the word "leter" is spelled wrong on your website. I had a couple of errors on my site before I started using a service to monitor for them. There are a few sites that do this but we like and

Posted by Kelly Davis on

You misspelled the word "leter" on your website. Sometimes errors like can hurt your web traffic. Maybe check out a service that alerts you to issues like or

Posted by Karen Allen on

I thought I would mention that it looks like the word "leter" is spelled incorrectly on your website. I've seen some tools to help with problems like this such as or I just thought you should know!

Posted by zftXGQbWNqu on
Posted by zftXGQbWNqu on
Posted by JvhTIYgfezVj on
Posted by Sofía on
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