Safety and ARES Information

KC Northland ARES does not require anyone to work under conditions in which the volunteer personally does not feel safe. 

One goal of KC Northland ARES is to provide for the safety of persons and property in the county. Safety is our most important function. All spotting locations should have two adequate escape routes or available shelter. You should seek shelter OUTSIDE your car rather than attempting to outrun a tornado.  Otherwise, in the event of lightning, hail, etc. you should remain in your car.

When traveling to and from spotting locations, use caution.  Storm spotting does not authorize you to travel at an unsafe speed or engage in any careless or reckless driving.

You should be alert for conditions of high water or flash flooding during and following heavy rains. Remember, “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.”  Avoid such situations and report them to Net Control.

Report any suspicious activity at your spotting location to Net Control.

(a) If you should have an unidentified car pull up near you, advise Net Control that you have a "visitor". Net Control will log your call and will contact you to check your status in a few minutes.

(b) Indication of a "visitor" will not automatically result in Net Control requesting that a uniformed officer or marked police car respond to your location. If law enforcement personnel are needed at your location, you should specifically request this.

(c) A law enforcement officer will be dispatched to your location if (1) you request this, or (2) you do not respond to a visitor check from Net Control.

(d) If the "visitor" leaves, or your concern in this situation is otherwise resolved, advise Net Control. No further status checks will be made by Net Control.

(e) You are authorized to leave the spotting location if your safety is threatened. If you perceive an immediate personal risk or threat, LEAVE the location immediately and advise Net Control of your action and situation.

(f) You are also permitted to refuse instructions if Net Control is not aware of the immediate situation. Do advise Net Control of your circumstances as soon as possible.


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